
Reverend Raymond Plaster

March 10, 1938 - February 7, 2021
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Silver Oaks Funeral & Cremations
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Jerry Ellis Light a candle
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Flowers & Gifts

Arrangements starting at $35

Granbury Church of God
1106 Weatherford Highway
Granbury, TX 76048
Saturday 2/20, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Granbury Church of God
1106 Weatherford Highway
Granbury, TX 76048
Sunday 2/21, 2:00 pm
Holly Hills Memorial Park
1909 Weatherford Hwy
Granbury, TX 76048
817-279-7270 | Map

Reverend Raymond Plaster was born on March 10, 1938, in Purcell, Oklahoma, and entered into his eternal rest on Sunday, February 7, 2021, in Ft. Worth, Texas. He was preceded in death by his father, Raymond Plaster Sr., his mother, Pearl Louise Johnston, his brother, Morece Plaster, and two grandsons, Michael and Brendon Brawley.  Continue Reading

Ruth Gomez left a message on October 4, 2022:
To the entire Plasters family sister Paster and the kids this is Ruth Gomez who was formally Ruth Garza, daughter of Ruben Garza. My condolences to the entire family. I just read about brother Plaster and it came to mind when he was there for me and my family when I lost my little brother Ralph Garza. May God bless you and your family sister Paster. You're always in my heart I always think about you and the good times we had. May God richly bless you and your family, I love you all very much. You were all part of my up bringing.. God bless you all!!!!♥️💛💙💛♥️
Marilyn Rushing left a message on February 19, 2021:
I never met Brother Plaster but have heard so many great things from Shelly. She adored him. I would've loved to hear him preach. My thoughts are with you all as you lay him to rest and celebrate his faithful life to our Father. God bless.
Shelly Miller left a message on February 18, 2021:
Daddy my hero. You were so much bigger than life to me. Getting to run up the steps of the stage after you were done preaching to carry your Bible was such an honor for this little girl. You never know just how much you want to talk to someone until you can’t. My drive home phone calls to you have been missed so much. I know you have made it to your great reward and I can’t wait until I get to carry your Bible again one day. I love you my Daddy with all of my heart and I am so blessed to have called you Daddy.
David and Sherrie "Moss" Gallagher left a message on February 15, 2021:
Brother Plaster preached the word of God, he believed it, he lived it, he loved it and he shared it. Now he is enjoying it in its fullness. He was a great preacher who loved God, his family and his church family. He loved people and if you were his friend you knew it. He was a great encourager who inspired us all to live this life with the joy of the Lord and to never give up no matter what. He inspired us all with is dedication, devotion and determination to fulfill his calling to the ministry. He was greatly loved, and will be greatly missed by all who knew him.
Jayda Spdagg left a message on February 15, 2021:
I will miss you and your outspoken nature. Matt and I learned a lot from you and we will keep that with us always. You always gave me a good slap on the back and then you always had a good laugh. Gonna miss you Brother P.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Jean Kuykendall left a message on February 14, 2021:
Such a mighty man of God that I am proud to have called my Pastor and my friend. A great blessing. You will be missed.
Kim Mack left a message on February 14, 2021:
Prayers for Linda and family. He will be missed and I know it won’t be the same without him. But he would want everyone to smile and keep on praising God. God Bless
sallie spurlock-miles left a message on February 14, 2021:
Bro . plaster made an everlasting impression on everyone he met. I remember the first time I met him, he shook my hand and the Most powerful look in his eyes. God had a wonderful heart in this man of God. he is in Heaven , telling my Mother, all about us , they were such friends. my love and prayers , to our dear Sister plaster. love and prayers, to all the family, and extended family and friends.
Jerry Ellis left a message on February 14, 2021:
You will be missed by many.
Anita Royalty left a message on February 13, 2021:
We will forever miss your smile, and your I love you. Even though our heart is broke, your home where you’ve always wanted to be. Love you Anita and Kenny
Cyndi and Lee Steed left a message on February 13, 2021:
All my prayers to his family I have so many good memories of Bro Plaster one that stands out is he asked the congregation if they had 200 people on a Sunday he would preach from the roof too, well he did and Pal Thompson provided a cherry picker and him and Sis Plaster went up to the Roof for him to preach ❤️❤️ Bro Plaster was a great man of God , he always had an ear if you needed him to pray or just to talk . He would even be behind the pulpit after open heart surgery and other surgeries I will truly miss him , hugs to his lovely wife Sis Plaster and prayers fir his whole family, he was a proud Dad Lee and myself will miss him❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🦋🙏🏻
Michelle Davenport left a message on February 13, 2021:
Daddy you’ll never read these words but others will. I need them to know what a good man you are. What a good Daddy to me you’ve been. You didn’t have to take my brother and I on, but you chose us. That decision was never lost on me. You were intentional about my development and spiritual growth. Many times I hear your voice when I read the Bible because of hearing your many messages. You trained me like a Timothy in the faith. You taught me to ‘remember who you are’ not who I thought I was, but what God said about me. You knew that eventually that would bring me into alignment with the Word that God had spoken. You showed us that life doesn’t have to be easy to make it. You proved that. You taught me not to live by my feelings but by faith. I’m still working on that. Thank you for investing in me. Thank you for never giving up on not only me, but so many others. I hope you were so surprised when you got to heaven to see so many people there because of what you did here on earth. Your life meant so much. I’m making plans to see you again one day. I know Jesus will be coming to get us one day and you’ll be in that cloud somewhere too. Save me a spot near you. My words will forever fail me to express my love for you, but even while you were here with me, I tried to make you understand. Maybe now that you’re there, you finally get it. You are already missed so much. There’s a void in the air in a way, and yet I can still hear you deep inside my heart still coaching me. Thank you for that. Thank you for being a soul winner Daddy. Thank you for caring that people were lost. Thank you for teaching us to care too. Heaven is better because your there. The Bible says where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. One of my greatest treasures is now in heaven so a very large part of my heart went also. Thank you for loving me better than I ever deserved. You’ll always be my hero. ❤️
Peggy Hunter left a message on February 12, 2021:
Dear Paul Ray, Brenda, Shelly, & Raymond's family, Keep your wants, your joys, your cares, your fears, and your sorrows before God. You cannot burden Him. You cannot weary Him. He who numbers the hairs of your head is not indifferent to the wants of His children. The Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercies. James 5:1 His heart of love is touched by our sorrows. Take to Him everything that perplexes the mind. Nothing is too great for Him to bear, for He holds up worlds. He rules over all the affairs of the universe. Nothing that in any way concerns our peace is too small for Him to notice. The relations between God and each soul are as distinct and full as if there were not another upon the earth to share His watchcare. Not another soul for whom He gave His beloved Son. May the Comforter hold you each in His hands until your reunited again with your Daddy! I love you all!
paul plaster left a message on February 11, 2021:
was my best friend!my dad.the man loved me for me! I miss him so much.
Wiley Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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