
Gary Layne Wiese

December 24, 1944 - July 21, 2021
candle-small flame
Silver Oaks Funeral & Cremations Light a candle Light a candle
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Flowers & Gifts

Arrangements starting at $35

Gary Layne Wiese, age 76, passed peacefully of natural causes in the arms of son Christopher Wiese late Wednesday, July 21, 2021 at his home in Granbury TX. Gary was born December 24, 1944, in Belton, TX raised by his parents Gilbert and Juanita Wiese in Temple TX. After defeating Polio as a child andContinue Reading

Carolita Lumpkin left a message on August 1, 2021:
We are sorry to hear about Gary. The family is in our prayers. The scriptures provide comfort for us all during these difficult times. REVELATION 21:3,4 Love, Carolita Wiese Lumpkin and family
Ara left a message on July 30, 2021:
Rest peacefully Gary. Condolences to the Family. Job 14:14, 15
Wiley Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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