DECORDOVA — Bernard E. “Andy” Anderson, 90, passed away Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012, at his home.
Graveside service: 5 p.m. Sunday in Acton Cemetery.
Mr. Anderson was born Aug. 12, 1921, in Harding County, S.D., to Ellef and Barbro Stoen Anderson. He married Dorothy Brock, Aug. 24, 1945, in Hattiesburg, Miss. He was a member of First United Methodist Church in Granbury and had lived here since 1981. He retired from Conoco after 36 years, and was a partner with his wife in a family-owned oil company. His parents homesteaded in South Dakota after having immigrated from Norway. Andy served in the U.S. Army 95th Infantry Division in Europe.
He was preceded in death by his parents and five sisters.
Survivors: Wife, Dorothy Anderson of Granbury; sons, Paul Anderson and wife, Judith, of Annandale, Va., Charles Anderson and wife, Marjorie, of Flagstaff, Ariz.; daughter, Marilyn Champlin and husband, Larry, of Bedford; grandchildren, Chenoa Parrado and husband, Emilio, Larry Clay and wife, Tammi, Paula Kylas and husband, Raj; great-grandchildren, Mateo, Malena, Landry, Grayson, Rohan and Saroj.
Wiley Funeral Home
Granbury, 817-573-3000