
Dr. Danny Joe Kurth

December 29, 1954 - February 10, 2022
candle-small flame
Silver Oaks Funeral & Cremations Light a candle Light a candle
Light a Candle
Eagle Mountain International Church
14355 Morris Dido Newark Road
Newark, Texas 76071
Monday 2/21, 10:00 am

Celebration of Life

  Dr. Danny Joe Kurth, son of the late Paul and Rosie Kurth was born December 29, 1954 in LeMars, IA. Dan passed away on February 10, 2022 at his home in Aledo, TX. He attended Gehlen Catholic School and graduated in May of 1973. He was united in marriage to Ann Marie Sitzmann onContinue Reading

Kirk and Gena Baker left a message on February 21, 2022:
Dr. Kurth is one of the kindest men I ever met. Ann, you and your family have blessed, encouraged, helped and loved us on our journey more than you realize. You all are such an example of love in action! What a beautiful legacy Dan, the Patriarch of your family, has given. We are sorry for the loss felt of his presence here, on earth, but we rejoice with you in the fact that you all will be together again and nothing can separate you from the love of Christ! Blessings to you all, Kurth family. We love you and we love Dan!!
Jim Ver Meer left a message on February 20, 2022:
Faithful. Constant. Determined. Welcoming. For a little while I will miss you, my friend!
Janet left a message on February 18, 2022:
I will never forgot how you (Ann) and Dan has always been there for me. Whenever, I was in Dans presence you could tell he had a relationship with Jesus because of his gentle and kind heart. You my friend will be missed and I am so grateful for the time that the Lord has given me to know you.
Janet left a message on February 18, 2022:
I will never forgot how you (Ann) and Dan has always been there for me. Whenever, I was in Dans presence you could tell he had a relationship with Jesus because of his gentle and kind heart. You my friend will be missed and I am so grateful for the time the Lord has given me to know you.
Tom and Chris Heermans left a message on February 17, 2022:
Ann, I remember how gracious and generous you and Dan were in getting our boys home from Europe! Another show of generosity and willing to give up something of value for the other. True hearts that loved enough to go the “extra mile”— many miles” Thank-you again for that.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Tom and Chris Heermans left a message on February 17, 2022:
Dear Ann and family, This comes with heartfelt sadness and loss for such a kind, Godly and generous man. Dan was always a delight to be around and his gentle demeanor always put one at ease. Jerrod just let us know of his passing. Tom and will pray for our Lord, Jesus Christ, to hold you close and bring some sense of comfort to you and your lovely family, and be surrounded by the Holy Spirit as you walk through this next journey. Love to you all....Tom and Chris.
Bill Behar left a message on February 17, 2022:
Dan impacted so many lives mine include. He did not talk much, but some of the best conversation I had with him was when I was face down on his table. Such a kind and gentle man. I will miss my friend.
Howard and Vanessa Pierce left a message on February 17, 2022:
Such sad news for those who remain here. I know he has only changed addresses and is celebrating in the presence of the Lord and with all his family who have gone before him. He was always such a kind man and expert in his field. Howard and I are praying for you all for the Peace that passes all understanding.
Linda Wright and Stephanie left a message on February 17, 2022:
Dr. Kurth will be greatly missed. Stephanie and I always enjoyed our appointments. He was so full of joy and happiness. We always left feeling better than when we arrived. Ann and family, our love and prayers are coming your way.
Biggers Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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