
Jeanne Carol Morris

October 13, 1939 - June 28, 2021
candle-small flame
Silver Oaks Funeral & Cremations
candle-small flame
Cynthia Gerber Cipperly Light a candle
Light a Candle
Flowers & Gifts

Arrangements starting at $35

Jeanne Carol Morris, 81, went to be with our Lord and Savior on Monday; June 28, 2021 in Fort Worth, Texas.   She was born October 13, 1939 in Rock Island, Illinois to Victor V. Gerber and Mary Louise Smith Gerber.   She and her husband Ed, knew each other since grade school, and thenContinue Reading

Lindalee Lott left a message on July 19, 2021:
Mrs. Morris was so unselfish. Not only in adopting Maria but she also wanted to adopt another child when Maria was in elementary school.
Jerry and Bonnie Montague left a message on July 17, 2021:
Jeanne was a wonderful woman with a very big heart. We had so many good times in Spokane. Her love for the Lord was always evident and we know she is with Him now.
Cynthia Gerber Cipperly left a message on July 12, 2021:
So sad to hear of "Auntie Cheenie's" passing. I will always remember her fantastic laugh and smile. She gave the best hugs and was always so fun to be around. She will be missed. Much love to all of you!
Wiley Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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