
Jerry Conditt

Date of Death: October 10, 2021
candle-small flame
Silver Oaks Funeral & Cremations
candle-small flame
Rodney Light Light a candle
Light a Candle
Flowers & Gifts

Arrangements starting at $35

Jerry Conditt, 86, passed away on Sunday, October 10, 2021.   After graduating from Paschal High school, he earned a BA from the University of North Texas becoming a charter member of Theta Chi Fraternity. He was a life member of the University of North Texas’s President Council.   He enlisted in the U.S. AirContinue Reading

Bruce Nilsson left a message on August 5, 2022:
I just learned about Jerry's passing. We were Theta Chi fraternity brothers at North Texas. Sadly we were neighbors in Granbury all these years and didn't know it... I have fond memories of Jerry from years ago.
Candace Hogan left a message on October 19, 2021:
Uncle Jerry I can’t believe you are gone. You were more to me than just my great uncle. You were like my grandfather. I loved our fishing conversations, going on our little adventures to Mexico when we would visit, you taking us to all the great restaurants you knew about. Most of all I loved your hugs and our quality time together. I will cherish our memories with with you for the rest of my life. You were an amazing human being and I am so glad I got to be a part of your life as your niece. Thank you for FaceTiming with me a few days before you said goodbye. It was great to see you and hear your voice. I love you and will forever miss you until I see you again! 🥺😘😇
Jesse Garcia left a message on October 16, 2021:
He was my auction and lunch buddy ever since we met many years ago at an auction. A good trusty and loving man that always wanted to do favors for others and many times got nothing in return. He’ll be greatly missed here and at the many other places of business that he did business with during his life. Adios Amigo
Rodney Light left a message on October 16, 2021:
He was my uncle. Pat, his wife, is my aunt. My mother’s sister. June. She was married to my daddy, Bobby Light from Lipan. Uncle Jerry was the kindest, generous person you’d ever meet. Not to mention his sense of humor. Once you met him, you’d never forget him. This is a huge loss to me and our family.
Christine and Bruce Channel. left a message on October 15, 2021:
We are so sorry to hear of Jerry's passing. He was a good friend for many, many years and we will miss him.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
william l ingram left a message on October 15, 2021:
he was my best friend. we were friends since 1958 we were theta chi brother at north texas
Wiley Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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