Walter Ross Kendall, 70, of Granbury, passed away on Wednesday, May 22, 2019. No services are planned at this time.
left a message on January 28, 2020:
Walt was a childhood friend. Lived across the street on Surrey lane in glen view . Remember him to this day as being a fair and caring individual. Linea, very sorry for your loss. Signed, Mary and the Martori family.
left a message on November 3, 2019:
On behalf of the Glenbrook South High School Class of 1967, heartfelt condolences to Wally’s family and friends. We will miss you!
left a message on September 7, 2019:
So sorry for your loss. Ray and I met both of you at a MITM party at the Catalina Jazz Club
left a message on June 19, 2019:
Dr. Kendall was a professor of mine in the MBA program at TSU just this past semester. He was a good man and fair. Condolences to the family and friends, and God bless you all. - Matt G.
left a message on May 24, 2019:
Lynn, Pam and I send our deepest sympathies on the sudden loss of Walt. I am so glad that we were able to have a loving, and heartfelt visit recently. We will always remember Walt as an interesting Cousin, and good friend. I know that you will miss him very much. Please know that our love and prayers are with you.
left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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